Book Reviews
BOOK REVIEWS In 2016, I began writing book reviews for a local newsletter in my home town of Ulverstone in Tasmania. It was always something I wanted to do, to voice my opinion because so many books do not come up to scratch and those that do, deserve to be praised. It’s so hard to find a good book unless you have some prior knowledge of the author, some feed-back from another reader or a good review to guide you. I very rarely read book reviews now because most of them don’t do what they are meant to do, and that is to inform the reader of its readability. A synopsis is not a review and I see these all the time in newspapers and magazines. There are also those academic reviews that use adjectives that I have never heard of and leave me perplexed and wondering what in the hell I just read. Then we have those books that have fantastic reviews on the back eg: Fast paced, impossible to put down. I once read a book that had the back page full of marvelous reviews. By the time I ...